Monday, August 12, 2019

Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Annotated Bibliography Example However, he goes on to express his discontent with the increasing spirit of war that is reflected in emerging nuclear weapons technology alongside expanding government expenditure on military. Most countries offers skewed information to the public to seek their approval on nuclear use and this manipulation is what Wilson rejects. The ideas of the author are relevant to the contemporary global political debate that strives to shun nuclear weapons. However, the author fails to mention the technology pressure that encompasses nuclear energy as more sustainable which is difficult to alienate from desire to make weapons. Bernstein is concerned about the level of ignorance across the world on critical aspects of nuclear weapons. He makes efforts through intensive and extensive research findings to explain the role society in addressing the issue of nuclear weapons. According to this author, most developed economies are bent on investing in nuclear technology or sustainable energy and weapons of mass destruction. There is significant ethical concern derived from this technology. According to Bernstein, pg.54, the public need to be informed about the dangers of nuclear weapons in environment and biological processes of living organisms including man. This information would offer a convincing perspective of nuclear weapons to the public who has the final say through political process to pass nuclear weapon bills and subsequent financing through taxes. The opinion of Bernstein is relevant to the question under discussion since it addresses the centrality of nuclear weapon in diplomatic relations among co untries besides health and environment related risks. Krieger offers the other side of nuclear technology argument. In his opinion, existing socio-economic and political events justifies nuclear weapons. However, he cautions against failure to establish and adhere to legal framework that would guard the society against this weapon of mass destruction. The author

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