Monday, December 23, 2019

Racial Profiling And Racial Incidents Essay - 1074 Words

Xavier is not the only school that has experienced racial incidents of white students in blackface. At Kansas State University, Paige Shoemaker and her friend posted a snapchat in blackface and captioned it with racial slurs. When the photo surfaced the internet and was made known to the administration, Paige Shoemaker was immediately expelled (â€Å"College Student Expelled over Racist Snapchat†). Similarly, The Washington Post writes on how the University of Oklahoma temporarily suspended a student who sent racial messages that included, images of people hanging from trees, racial slurs and a ‘daily lynching’ calendar to several black freshmen from the University of Pennsylvania (Svrluga). By expelling and suspending students who were involved in racial incidents, these universities show that they do not condone any forms of racism. Xavier should follow the footsteps of Kansas State University and the University of Oklahoma by expelling any student involved in r acial incidents. This will assure Xavier’s black and minority students that they are welcomed at Xavier. Expelling students will also act as a warning to other racist students. When other students see that severe punishment is implemented when it comes to racism in Xavier, other students will be less inclined to perform racist acts, hence creating a safe environment for all students. In addition, Xavier should specify a policy of expulsion in its student conduct book to inform students ahead of time that any racist actsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Racial Profiling1047 Words   |  5 PagesHypothesis/Outline Hypothesis: The events of September 11th has caused racial profiling, a practice that was vilified by many just months ago, to become a common and accepted practice used by the government, airline officials, police agencies, and the American public. Profiling has also become a necessary tool used to prevent further terrorist attacks on the United States. Map of the Territory: I. 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