Friday, July 26, 2019

In the majority of the population there are stigmata surrounding the Research Paper

In the majority of the population there are stigmata surrounding the nature of a motorcyclist or Biker - Research Paper Example This made many veterans to access the urban centers and taste every bit of bliss in the cities including drinking and partying. A bike rally in Hollister culminated in the formation of bike gangs. This was the first incident of bike gang which took part in a bloody riot. This riot led to the destruction of property and other valuable in various restaurants and buildings, by drunken motorcyclists. This group caused mayhem without recourse and this has been replicated ever since. This sub-culture is prevalent in the use of cruiser motorcycles. According to Guardians of the Children, the sub-culture thrives in various ideologies like resistance to the mainstream culture of motorcycles (47). In fact, most of the biker gang indulges in malpractices in order to satisfy their daily needs. These groups have their operation in deviance and anarchy given that they do not conform to any set rules and regulation. The gangs use their organizations in propagating their criminal activities. In this regard, their criminality is camouflaged, hence it becomes difficult to apprehend and completely eliminate this sub-culture. The gang is usually structured and has broad networks, which enhances its operations over large geographical regions. The criminal activities the gangs indulge in include drug-trafficking, violence, arms trafficking, abduction and piracy. There are many of these gangs in America, which usually constitute of various numbers of individuals. The most common of these gangs include the Bandidos, Sons of silence and the Hells angels. These biker gangs pose a threat to peace and order among the citizens. Goodman asserts that the outlawed group manages to operate drug and weapon smuggling due to the broad network it has across the globe (41). In fact, there is interlinking of their activities with international drug trafficking organizations. The other motorcycle club is the riding club which is less associated with the intrigues of the biggest gang clubs. The vintag e group of motorcycle clubs is concerned with the ferrying of higher social class people including clergies, emergence blood runners and courier clubs. It is difficult to pursue the criminal gangs because they are friendly like anybody else and they have a broad social and criminal network. Even the intelligence services cannot yield much in pursuit of theses outlawed criminal bike gangs. Furthermore, the freedom they have enhanced the commission of many criminal activities under cover. In addition, they are feared, hence many people lack the guts of daring them. According to The New York Times, legally registered motorcycle clubs like the British motorcycle Federation have great influence in the civil society (23). They also abate the criminal activities of the gang groups under cover. Therefore, it had been hard to reform the motorcycle industry and get rid of the criminal activities propagated by the ill-minded motorcyclists. It has proofed impossible to destroy and discontinue t he biker gang sub-culture. For instance, the federation was created with an aim of protecting the welfare often motorcyclists. The biker gangs are part of the industry, hence they have always been protected even when they have been on the wrong side of the law. Such legally recognized motorcycle organizations have posed a greater threat to the peace and harmony with regard to abatement of criminal activities. Bribery cannot be ruled out in such circumstances

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