Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods Essay - 1

Organizational Structure Presentation Communication Methods - Essay Example There must be effective communication at different levels in order for medical practitioners and other health care providers to operate efficiently. The managers should support open communication within the organization. In addition, the managers in the organization will be responsible for communicating to the junior workers, telling them what they are expected to do and the issues concerning the new strategy to be introduced (long-term care services). Communication should easily flow from one department to the other or from one person to another. Subordinates should have the feeling that they are authorized to ask questions and raise issues about processes and advancements involved in this new strategy. Similarly, all employees should communicate efficiently with the patient and family (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Poor communication always threatens the life of patients. Communication with the patient or family is important because it will provide information concerning the conditio n of the patient. Apart from communicating treatment instructions, workplace communication also delivers information concerning the condition of the patient and diagnosis. Open communication and the generosity of sharing information create greater action and improved efficiency. Through collaborative leadership, the manager will always concentrate on building consensus and upright interpersonal associations. This will happen through participation and communication. The main importance of open communication is its ability to increase the level of transparency in an organization. The process improves trust between different levels of workers. Lack of effective communication in an organization can lead to anger, pressure and feelings of insecurity at the workplace. Good communication allows workers to feel as part of the organization. They will also feel

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