Friday, September 6, 2019

Ultrasonic Metal Testing Essay Example for Free

Ultrasonic Metal Testing Essay Ultrasonic testing refers to the use of sound energy of high frequency â€Å"to conduct examinations and make measurements (â€Å"Basic Principles of Ultrasonic Testing†). † This form of inspection may be applied in the detection and evaluation of metal flaws; measurement of dimensions; and classification of materials among other things (â€Å"Basic Principles of Ultrasonic Testing†). It was in the year 1928 that a famous Soviet scientist by the name of Sergei Y. Sokolov proposed and demonstrated at the V. I. Ulvanov Electrotechnical Institute a â€Å"through-transmission technique† for detecting flaws in metals (Early History of Metal Flaw Detectors). Although necessary technology was nonexistent at the time, Sokolov proposed that this technique could be applied in the detection of irregularities in solids. In Germany during the early 1930s, Sokolov’s proposal was taken seriously enough to begin extensive experimentation on the detection of flaws in metals. O Muhlhauser, in the year 1933, patented a method for the transmission of ultrasonic energy into the solid or metal being tested. This system allowed ultrasonic energy to examine the solid or metal using two transducers (Early History of Metal Flaw Detectors). Ultrasonic metal testing has been useful in industrial applications since the 1940s. Based on the laws of physics governing the spread of sound waves of high frequencies through solids, ultrasonic metal testing helps in the detection of cracks that may be hidden, in addition to porosity, voids and other kinds of â€Å"internal discontinuities† in metals (â€Å"General Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing†). Ceramics, plastics, and composites may be similarly tested using ultrasonic systems. Ultrasonic testing also allows easy measurement of thickness as well analysis of material properties.Most importantly, ultrasonic metal testing is entirely safe and nondestructive (â€Å"General Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing†). References Basic Principles of Ultrasonic Testing. NDT Resource Center. Retrieved Dec 14, 2007, from http://www. ndt-ed. org/EducationResources/CommunityCollege/Ultrasonics/Introduction/description. htm. Early History of Metal Flaw Detectors. Retrieved Dec 14, 2007, from http://www. ob- ultrasound. net/ndt. html. General Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing. Olympus. Retrieved Dec 14, 2007, from http://www. olympusndt. com/en/ndt-tutorials/intro/ut/.

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