Monday, September 30, 2019

Zero Dark Thirty and Torture

The Benefits of Torture Over the decades, people have viewed torture has horrifying. Inhumane, and excessive. In the movie, Zero Dark Thirty, directed by Kathy Biggest, it was mainly used for interrogations to obtain information from the detainees about certain people. In the film, there are many scenes that display the superficial layers of enhanced interrogation and gives the viewers an automatic response that torture is bad.While many viewers see that enhanced interrogation has many bad aspects, did they ever wonder about the good ones? How it helped to save many lives? How it helped to kill Osama bin Laden? Why it's needed to prevent further troubles? Did people ever consider the role of the torturer who suffers from conducting the acts? With much speculation, this topic has become an intriguing argument. Without changing the side of the viewer, what people must understand is that although our society perceives the thought of torture as being violent and unjustifiable, there are actually good parts to It.For example, If the affiliates of terrorists are being interrogated, aren't speaking, and have plans to bomb certain places but you don't now when, it seems necessary to use some form of action to make them feel vulnerable enough to speak because as an interrogator, one is being pressured to get the information as soon as possible to prevent any plots. Despite all the details regarding the bad aspects of enhanced interrogation, it should be reconsidered by society to ruminate the good points. Torture allows higher authorities to obtain information in a more efficient way.In the movie, Zero Dark Thirty, Dan was able to successfully attain bits and bits of information that would soon lead to Osama bin Laden. He used many methods such as hanging his extended arms to the ceiling while standing, playing loud music, depraving the subject of food and water, weatherboarding, humiliation, threatening, light effects. And putting the victim in a box. With the use of t hese methods, Dan did succeed in getting Intel from the detainee, which is why torture is useful and beneficial especially when it helps to save many lives.From the book, The Phenomenon of Torture, William Schulz mentions that â€Å"prolonged constraint or exertion, sustained deprivation of food or sleep, etc. Often becomes patterns to which a subject adjusts by becoming apathetic ND withdrawing into himself, in search of escape from the discomfort and tension† and as a result, when the interrogators use those techniques of deprivation, it could be used to lower the person's physiological resistance which will then lower the person's psychological capacity to the point where the subject withdraws.Just making the subject withdraw or talk Implies more than that, It's about power and Imposing one's will on another. One side Is absolutely powerful while the other coerced party Is totally powerless and undependable. One side can ask and answer, act and react,

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