Thursday, October 31, 2019
Managing Information and Technology in Samsung Electronics Case Study
Managing Information and Technology in Samsung Electronics - Case Study Example This helps develop strategic information systems, which support the competitive position as well as strategies for the enterprise. The various information systems like the TPS, MIS and DSS help organizations gain competitive advantage, decrease competitive disadvantage and meet strategic objectives for the enterprise (Stair & Reynolds, 2014; Khosrow-Pour, 2006). Michael Porter shows that a firm is capable of having long-term success once the business successfully creates strategies for confronting the five competitive forces which shape the structure of competition within an industry. It is possible to develop various competitive strategies to assist a business to confront the five competitive forces. This can be achieved through knowledge presented to business professionals by information systems that include the main forms of IS. Information systems can provide knowledge regarding strategies on cost leadership, differentiation, innovation, growth and even alliance (KhadraouI & Herr mann, 2007; Heijden, 2009). Just over a decade ago, In 1993 Korea’s Samsung launched an initiative with the goal of rising to the ranks of global leading companies. From that time onwards, the company worked hard in refining its business focus and even alter the prevailing businesses strategies to achieve the ambition. Today Samsung is among the finest global corporations in terms of sales and earnings as well as innovative technological design. The company’s earnings and sales performance have surprised the world. As one of the planet’s largest makers of memory chips, Samsung creates many digital consumer gadgets, appliances, semiconductors, and even telecommunications devices. Since the 1993 initiative, Samsung electronics invested heavily in establishing its presence as an international iconic brand and manufacturer (Lee, 2006).
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sociological Inquiry Asignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sociological Inquiry Asignment 1 - Essay Example There are many details of the problem which are rather unknown to general public: donors or wealthy sponsors themselves decide important questions related to school budgeting, types of testing, number of school’s personnel, etc. 3. The author of the article is religion reporter for The New York Times newspaper. He works for this newspaper not for so long since 2008. Vitello covers predominantly religion news from local perspective, New York City. Earlier the reporter used to work for such newspapers as Long Island’s Newsday, Kansas City Star, Knickerbocker News and some others. Paul Vitello has veteran experience as a reporter. He has written numerous articles on religious issues, for instance, â€Å"Clergy Urge Efforts to Lower the City’s Abortion Rate†, â€Å"Hepatitis Scare Hits Nassau Church after Wafers’ Exposure at Christmas Masses†, â€Å"N.Y. Parochial Schools Downcast After Archdiocesan Warning†, â€Å"Bitterness Follows End of a School†to name a few among many others. I believe that the author has enough experience and appropriate qualification to write about issues related to religion (church) and education like in the article under the analysis in this paper. 4. Vitello’s article presents a clear analysis of the issue. However, the author covers only schools and churches of New York City and nearby area.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Autonomous Learner Characteristics
Autonomous Learner Characteristics INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Looking back in time, English language were used once during the Cambodian Republic Regime (1970 1975), but thereafter, English was completely banned during the Genocidal Regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge; in 1993, for the first National Election in Cambodia, English language emerged again in this country with the arrival of United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (Narith, 2008). Since then the popularity of English language has gradually grown among Cambodian people. According to Crystal (1997) indicates that English language gains its popularity in the world due to political power, military power and economic power. In Cambodia, because of local and international business, international non-governmental organizations, job requirements, consumerism, computers and mass media, young people are encouraged to learn English as a foreign language (Narith, 2008). Further, Igawa (2008) studies about English language and its education in Cambodia states that communicat ive competence in English means a better job and a better pay for Cambodian people. That is why English language is encouraged and promoted to learn. Concerning English language learning, Cambodian students culturally seem to be respectful, obedient, and passive towards their teachers. This happens because of the traditional classroom, which is commonly practiced and mainly focused on teacher-centered approach. This approach offers fewer opportunities to students to engage in their learning, because the teacher always plays a role as a knowledge transmitter to students. Moreover, there is little interaction among teachers and students. The teacher usually spends a great deal of time speaking and explaining in the class; while students are required to sit passively and listen to the teacher attentively (Wang, 2007). However, after the communicative language teaching has emerged in Cambodia over the last ten years, the role of teacher and student has been gradually changed in modern classroom. In other words, there is a shift from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered approach, which offers students more possibilities to actively engage in their learning process. Since this shift occurs, learners are viewed as the main source of information for learning process, which the practice of learner autonomy begins to grow in language learning and teaching (Benson, 2001). Holec (1981) was the first person who coined the term learner autonomy and defined it as the ability to take charge of ones own learning. Autonomous learning encourages a very active role of learners and focuses on greater students initiative rather teacher-centered direction. (Eyob, 2008). Tudor (1993) also states that learner-centeredness is not a method, nor may it be decreased to a set of rules. It is, however, an approach, which views students to have more active and participatory roles in the learning and teaching process than in traditional approaches. Additionally, this approach requires different classroom activities, the structures of which are decided by students themselves resulting in increases in students involvement and motivation. There is also a parallel change in the teachers role in learner-centered classrooms. The teacher is less likely to dominate classroom events in contrast to traditional classrooms where the learning environment is teacher-centered and teachers are considered as authorities. According to, Nunan (1996) there are two complementary aims of learner-center. One of them focuses on language content, the other focuses on learning process. To achieve these aims, leaner need to decide what they want to learn and how they want to learn at their own pace, and make a decision regarding their own language competence. Thus, it is the teachers duties to create such autonomous learning conditions in which students can acquire skills and knowledge while making choices about the process and content of their learning. Likewise, Tudor (1993) suggests that if teachers are to foster autonomous learning conditions, student will be able to get more benefit from the teaching and learning process, particularly in the following areas: (a) more relevant goal setting with the contributions of students, (b) more effective learning enriched with students preferences, (c) more benefit from activities, the content of which decided by students, (d) more efficient study program with more s tudent involvement. Learner autonomy is considered as a crucial concept that students actively manage their learning in and out of the classroom. That is, they are independent in terms of selecting their own goals and purposes, deciding on materials, choosing ways of learning and tasks, and opting for criteria for self-evaluation (Eyob, 2008). Besides, autonomous learning can be achieved by certain conditions such as using cognitive and metacognitive strategies, learner attitudes and motivation, self-esteem, and learners awareness and knowledge about language learning (Thanassoluas, 2007). Similarly, Cotterall (1999) indentifies learning strategies as one of the most important factors in autonomous language learning. She also claims that the learners will have difficulties in classroom promoting autonomous learning without strategies training. Additionally, Chan (2001) states that increasing the level of learner control will increase the level of self-determination; thereby increasing overall motivation in the development of learner autonomy. Therefore, learners need to be self-directed and to determine the direction of their own language learning process. In brief, developing and promoting autonomous learning is vital as the aim of all education is to help people think, act and learn independently in relevant areas of their lives. In this respect, a strategy for developing and fostering autonomy in language teaching will require enhanced cognitive and metacognitive skills, self-awareness to improve motivation and willingness to take charge of learning. 1.2 Problem Statement With this novel concept, learner autonomy, Cambodian students are expected to take more responsibilities to demonstrate a great deal of autonomy in their learning process in order to succeed academically. However, Many English language teachers have become frustrated with investing endless amounts of energy in their students and getting very little response. Most teachers have had groups of students who never did their homework, who were reluctant to use the target language in pair or group work, who did not learn from their mistakes, who did not listen to each other, who did not use opportunities to learn outside the classroom, and so on. These reveal that students are not making efforts in their learning. Moreover, most of them are not likely to be aware of their roles in their learning process, and particularly they lack learning strategies to enable them to excel in their language performance. Regarding this issue, students make slow progress in their learning, performing poorly, thereby affecting their ultimate achievement in English language learning. And to the best of our knowledge, there is little research conducted on assessing learner autonomy in Cambodian EFL context. Thus, the aim of the present work is to identify learners perspectives about their learning responsibly and their actual practice of learner autonomy in Cambodian Youths Future Institute (CYFI). 1.3 Research Questions: The study on the current practice of learner autonomy is aimed at answering the two main questions and the two sub questions below in order to meet the objectives 1. How do the CYFI students perceive their own and their teachers responsibilities in learning English? -Are there any differences in the learners perceptions of their own and their teachers responsibilities in learning English regarding their gender? 2. To what extent, are the Autonomous learning strategies (inside and outside the classroom) used in learning English by ESL learners at CYFI? -Are there any differences in the learning strategies according to their gender? 1.4 Significance of the study This study is expected to provide empirical support for the identification of factors considered to be significant for the promotion of autonomy in foreign language classrooms and examines the claims made in language learning literature about each of these factors. By exploring them, teachers could also construct a shared understanding of the essential foundation of learner autonomy and obtain considerable insights into what roles they have to play in order to facilitate learner autonomy. Furthermore, it can increase learners awareness of how to be in charge of their own learning and inform the learners which learning strategies that they need to learn more and apply in their learning process. Similarly, it will help learners change their behavior by encouraging them to take responsibility for their own language learning, to change their attitudes towards the English class, and to deal with their foreign language learning problems. And finally, it may serve as a preliminary idea for any interested researchers in the area. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW The Literature in this review was found from the Hun Sen Library of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), and by using the websites of Asian EFL Journal, Cambridge, Google Scholar, Oxford and Zunia to identify relevant books, journals and articles focusing on Autonomy in English langue learning. Other reviews was obtained from numerous articles and the list of references by several well-known scholars such as, Beson, , Gardner, Holec, Lee, Little ,Tudor and Wenden. These scholars are long established writers in this field and have written and conducted many researches about this area. The key words used to identify the articles are Lerner Autonomy, Learner Responsibility, Self-regulated Learner and Self-access Learner. 2.1 What is learner autonomy? The definition of learner autonomy seems to interpret in many different ways. Holec (1981, p.3) was the person who first coined the term learner autonomy and defines the term as the ability to take charge of ones own direct learning. Dickinson (1995) characterizes autonomous learners as those who have the capacity for being active and independent in the learning process. While Higgs (1988, p.41) views it as a process, in which the learner works on a learning task or activity and largely independent of the teacher who acts as manager of the learning programme and as resource person. In fact, learners attain autonomy depends on a variety of factors, including learners ability to take responsibility, personal constructs, teacher support, peer support, availability and flexibility in learning environment (Little, 1990; McDevitt, 1997; Lee, 1998). Even though there is a slightly different interpretation of learner autonomy, those meanings may contribute to the understanding deeply of the term. According to Benson and Voller (1997) there are five categories of the term learner autonomy, including situations in which learners study entirely on their own, a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning, an inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education, the exercise of learners responsibility for their own learning, and the right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning. However, there is also a great deal of misconceptions about the definition of autonomous language learning. Esch (1996) thinks that autonomy is not self-instruction or learning without a teacher, does not mean that intervention or initiative on the part of a teacher is banned, is not something teachers do to learners, is not a single easily identifiable behavior, and is not a steady state achieved by learners once and for all. 2.2 Why learner autonomy? In fact, the cultivation of learner autonomy is a long process. Teacher should help students develop gradually from teacher dependence to autonomy. As an old Chinese saying goes Give a man a fish, and you feed him a day; teach him how to fish, and feed him for a life time. Moreover, the saying you can bring the horse to water, but you cannot make him drink can clearly illustrate why we need learner autonomy in teaching learning process. In language learning, a teacher can offer all the necessary tools and input, but learning can only occur if learners are willing to get involved and participate (Scharle Szabo, 2000). Further, Scharle and Szabo (2000, p.4) indicate that learners can be successful in learning when they have a responsible attitude. Therefore, we can understand that learners need a great deal of responsibility and active involvement in conducting learning activities in order to accomplish tremendous achievement in language learning. Eyob (2008) also states that learners accept responsibility for their learning, they constantly reflect on what they are learning, why they are learning, and with what degree of success; and their learning is fully integrated with the rest of what they are. 2.3 Characteristics of Autonomous Learners We understand that autonomous learners have to be responsible for all decisions that they have to make in their own learning. In other words, they are self-directed in the sense that they act independently of the teacher without remaining passive or waiting to be told what to do from teachers. According to Hedge (2000) characterized autonomous learners as those who: know their needs and work productively with the teacher towards the achievement of their objectives. learn both inside and outside the classroom. can take classroom based material and can build on it. know how to use resources independently. learn with active thinking. adjust their learning strategies when necessary to improve learning. manage and divide the time in learning properly. do not think the teacher is a god who can give them ability to master the language. Further, Wenden (1991) also characterized autonomous learners as those who: are willing and have the capacity to control or supervise learning. are motivated to learn. are good guessers. choose material, methods and tasks. exercise choice and purpose in organizing and carrying out the chosen task. select the criteria for evaluation. take an active approach to the task. make and reject hypothesis. pay attention to both form and content. are willing to take risks. 2.4 The Role of Teachers and Students to Promote Learner Autonomy Holden and Usuki (1999) who questioned Japanese students perceptions of learner autonomy concluded that it was not the learners who were innately passive, but it was the teachers that created an environment which discouraged learner autonomy. Moreover, it also concluded that the vast majority of students view their instructor as playing a major role in the development of their language skills. However, it stresses that learner autonomy, is not something that teachers do to learners, or another teaching method that can be taught (Little ,1990; Benson, 2001). Also, Dickinson (1987) states that, the learner is totally responsible for all of the decision concerned with his learning and the implementation of those decisions. In a full learner autonomy there is no involvement of a teacher or an institution. And learners are also independent of specially prepared materials. For instance, the early research on language learning strategies carried out by such researchers as Rubin (1975) indic ated that good learners have an active involvement with language learning, that they have clear ideas about the best ways for them to go about language learning, and that they set up their own learning objectives. However, this research has no strong reason to support that autonomous learning requires teachers or institutions, does not mean that it must proceed independent of them. Even there is a contradiction between the role of the teacher and the learner in promoting learner autonomy, McCarthy (2000) and Scharer (2000) argue that, in developing learner autonomy, the teacher-student relationship is crucial. The trust and cooperation between the teacher and the students makes the students feel comfortable and secure in the classroom. Only then can the students have the confidence to adventure in language learning. Benson and Vollers (1997) study also found that teachers have a significant role to play in launching learners into self-access and in helping them to stay afloat. In this investigation, it was found that there is a great change for both teachers and learners. Teachers are no longer in their dominant position as speakers in class while learners are not passive receivers any more. However, it does not necessarily mean teachers are less important. On the contrary, the teachers job is more demanding and challenging in helping students grow up as creati ve and independent learners. Teachers must focus their attention on how to learn instead of how to teach. They must play different role in class as guides, facilitators and counselors. Therefore, adjusting the teachers and students roles, and establishing proper relationship are the keys to the success in promoting autonomous learning (Benson Vollers, 1997). 2.5 Language Learning Strategies There are a number of researchers who have defined the term language learning strategies (LLS) in different ways. Wenden (1991) defines LLS as, mental steps or operations that learners use to learn a new language and to regulate their efforts to do so. OMalley and Chamot (1990) defined LLS as the special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information. By understanding various definitions from different researchers, we can see that learning strategies are very important in learning a language. Hence, all students have to be trained on how to use them appropriately in order to be successful learners. According to Hedge (2000), there are four types of learning strategies utilized by language learners, including cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, socio-affective strategies, and communication strategies. 2.5.1 Cognitive Strategies Hedge (2000) defines cognitive strategies as thought processes used directly in learning which enables learners to deal with the information presented in tasks and materials by working on it in different ways. According to Tudor (1996), cognitive strategies include: Repetition: repeating a chunk of language (a word or phrase) in the course of performing language language task. Resourcing: Using available reference sources of information about the target language, including dictionaries, textbooks, and prior work. Grouping: Ordering, classifying or labeling material used in a language task based on common attributes; recalling information based on grouping previously done. Note taking: Writing down key words and concepts in abbreviated verbal, graphic, or numerical form to assist performance of a language task. Deduction/ Induction: consciously applying learned or self-developed rules to produce or understand the target language. Substitution: selecting alternative approaches, revised plans, or different words or phrases to accomplish a language task. Elaboration: Relating new information to prior knowledge; relating different parts of new information to each other; making meaningful personal associations to information presented. Summarization: Making a mental or written summary of language and information presented in a task. Translation: rendering ideas from one language to another in a relatively verbatim manner. Transfer: using previously acquired linguistic knowledge to facilitate a language task. Inference: Using available information to guess the meanings or usage of unfamiliar language items associated with language tasks, to predict outcomes, or to fill in missing information. 2.5.2 Meta-cognitive Strategies According to Oxford (1990), metacognitive strategies are actions which go beyond purely cognitive devices, which provide a way for learners to coordinate their own learning process. Oxford also mentions that there are three metacognitive strategies such as centering learning, arranging and planning learning, and evaluating learning. Moreover, Tudor (1996, p.205) also states that metacognitive strategies consist of planning, monitoring and evaluating; some of these strategies are: Planning: previewing the organizing concept or principle of an anticipated learning task (advance organization); proposing strategies for handling an upcoming task; generating a plan for the parts, sequence, main ideas, or language functions to be used in handling a task (organizational planning). Directed attention: Deciding in advance to attend in general to a learning task and to ignore irrelevant destructors; maintaining attention during task execution. Selective attention: deciding in advance to attend to specific aspects of language input or situational details that assist in performance of a task; attending to specific aspects of language input during task execution. Self-management: understanding the conditions that help one successfully accomplish language tasks and arranging for the presence of those conditions controlling ones language performance to maximize use of what is already known. Self-monitoring: checking, verifying, or correcting ones comprehension or performance in the course of a language task. Problem identification: Explicitly identifying the central point needing resolution in a task or identifying an aspect of the task that hinders its successful completion. Self-evaluation: checking the outcomes of ones own language performance against an internal measure of completeness and accuracy; checking ones language repertoire, strategy use, or ability to perform the task. Thus, it is very essential to teach students about metacognitive strategies in order to make their language learning effectively. 2.5.3 Socio-Affective Strategies Oxford (1990) the term affective strategies refer to emotion, motivation, attitudes, and values. He claims that affective strategies are concerned with the affective elements of the learners such as self-esteem, attitudes, confidence, motivation, and anxiety. Oxford (1990) also suggests that there are three main sets of affective strategies: lowering your anxiety, encouraging yourself, and taking your emotional temperature. While Tudor (1996) suggests some of the affective strategies are: Questioning for clarification: asking for explanations, verification, rephrasing, or examples about the material; asking for clarification or verification about the task; posing questions to the self. Cooperation: working together with peers to solve a problem, pool information, check a learning task, model a language activity, or get feedback on oral or written performance. Self-talk: Reducing anxiety by using mental techniques that make one feel competent to do the learning task. Self-reinforcement: providing personal motivation by arranging rewards for one self when a language activity has been successfully completed. Therefore, good language learners should know how to control their emotions and attitudes about learning (Oxford 1990). 2.5.4 Communication Strategies According to Hismanoglu (2000), communication strategies are employed by speakers when confronted with some difficulties because of the fact that their communication was misunderstood or was not caught clearly. Hedge (2000) also states that learners use communication strategies in order to make them understood and to maintain a conversation; these strategies contain gesture, mime, synonym, and paraphrases. The significance of these strategies is to help learners get involved in conversations when they practice the language and to assist learners in getting their message across or clarify what the speaker conveyed. 2.6 Learner Attitudes, Motivation and Self-Esteem Benson and Voller (1997) state that language learning is not merely a cognitive task; Learners do not reflect on their learning in terms of the language input to which they are exposed. Rather, the success of a learning activity is partially contingent upon learners stance towards the world and the learning activity in particular, their sense of self, and their desire to learn. That is, language learning involves affective elements such as attitudes, motivation and self-esteem. The term attitudes refer to learned motivations, value beliefs, evaluations, what one believes is acceptable, or responses oriented towards approaching or avoiding (Wenden, 1998, pp, 52-53). There are two kinds of attitudes which are very essential: attitudes learners hold about their role in the learning process, and their capability as learner. Thus, it appears that if learners have positive attitudes towards their learning, then those attitudes will play an important role in increasing learners motivation, and contribute to their achievements in learning. In educational context, many researchers or experts have defined the term motivation differently. So there is little agreement on the exact meaning of the term. According to Dornyei (2001) the father of motivational strategies refers the term motivation as a keen, committed, and enthusiastic learner who has good reasons for learning. Motivation explains why people decide to do something, how hard they are going to pursue it and how long they are willing to sustain the activity (Dornyei, 2001, p.7). Furthermore, according to Gardner and Macintyre (1993) indicate that motivation consist of three elements, including desire to achieve a goal, effort extended in this direction and satisfaction with the task. Indeed, people are motivated in different ways and to different degrees. And learners should encourage focusing more on their intrinsic motivation because it emerges with the inner drive or interest of the learners in doing something which they can sustain their motivation longer. Therefore, motivation is a key factor that contributes to the success of language learning. If learners are more aware of the importance of motivation, then they will be more likely to achieve their desire goals or outcomes. Indeed, attitudes and motivation are the concept of self-esteem (Thanasoulas, 2007). James (1983) defines self-esteem as a ratio found by dividing ones achievements in areas of life of importance to a given individual by the failures in them or ones success. According to Branden (2001), self-esteem is the sum of self-confidence (a feeling of personal capacity) and self-respect (a feeling of personal worth). If learners have a high self-esteem, then they may achieve highly in their learning process. Conversely, if they have a low self-esteem, then it can lead to negative attitudes towards their learning, possibly deteriorate their cognitive perform and lowering their success (Wenden, 1991, p.57). All in all, learners have to be willing to take charge of their own learning. They should use the right strategies plus having positive attitudes, intrinsic motivation and high self-esteem. And all of these do contribute a lot in leading them to largely succeed in language learning. Most importantly, they should use every opportunity that they obtain in order to learn the language effectively and successfully. Thus, teachers and students should be responsible in fostering autonomous learning (Eyob 2008). CHAPTER THREE Methods 3.1 Research Design To conduct this study, the researcher utilizes a survey research in order to describe the current practice of autonomous learning by CYFI students. By using this method, it also assists to illustrate the fundamental problems that challenge the practice. The method is suitable in attempting to describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of a sample or the entire population (Creswell, 2005). Additionally, it included cross-sectional studies using questionnaires and focus group interviews for data collection. 3.2 Data collection tools Chamot (2004) suggests that appropriate methods in conducting this kind of the study need to be utilized. Those recommending researches tools in data collection are group focus, interview and questionnaire and these methods can help researchers to ensure the reliability and validity 3.2.1 Questionnaire The self-administered questionnaire is used in order to obtain descriptive and frequencies data of the study. The researcher employs this questionnaire because it is able to be administered with or without the presence of the researcher and it is easy to analyze with many computer software packages (Wilson Mclean, 1994). In addition, Questionnaire is familiar to most people. Nearly everyone has had some experience completing questionnaires and they generally do not make people apprehensive. Questionnaire also reduces bias; there is uniform question presentation and no middle-man bias. Also, the researchers own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain manner because there are no verbal or visual clues to influence the respondent. Nevertheless, the researcher need to invest great amount of time to develop, pilot, and refine questionnaire and data collected may lack of flexibility of responding (Wilson Mclean,1994). The rate of return can also be a m ajor concern when the researcher uses this data collecting tool (Anderson Arsenault, 1998). 3.2.2 Focus Group Discussion The researcher uses a focus group discussion as a second data collection tool for this study. In order to verify the data collected from the questionnaire and to make the data more enriched and valid. By using focus group discussion, the researcher can explore more insights in some particular areas found from the results of the questionnaire and can cross check and probe more information about the study. Moreover, focus group will offer a collective view rather than an individual view and it is economical and less time-consuming. It also produce a large amount of data (Mogan, 1988). However, focus group may yield the data less than the survey and data may lack overall reliability as group disagreement and even conflicts may arise. Also, Data obtained from focus group will be difficult to analyze concisely. 3.3 Sample size and Sampling technique The research is conducted in the form of a case study. The target populations of this study are Level 07 CYFI students whose levels are pre-intermediate. The sample of about 60 students of the entire population is chosen purposively to complete the questionnaire study. Besides, 4 to 6 students are also selected purposively to involve in the focus group discussion. The researcher intends to choose a non-probabilistic convenient sampling procedure for the study because, as its name suggests, it is convenient, fast, low cost and less-time consuming. Also, it is easy to conduct and the participants are available and voluntary to participate in the study (Cohen, Manion Morrison, 2007). And yet, the sampling may fails to represent the whole population and be limited to make a generalizability of the findings due to its nature. 3.4 Data collection process The self-administered questionnaires are administered to the participants at the end of their class. Since there are two kinds of self-administered questionnaires, the participants have a choice to complete questionnaires either in the presence or in the absence of the researcher, assistants and their teachers. If the participants decide to fil
Friday, October 25, 2019
Television is Mindless Entertainment :: essays research papers
Televisions are probably one of the world’s greatest inventions. Nine out o f ten people won’t know how to explain how it actually works, but everyone who can afford one owns one. There is a lot of debate about whether TVs are good or bad. â€Å"A television is a device you can sit in front of and watch other people do things that you could be doing if you weren’t sitting there watching them do it.†- Unknown Yes, TVs provide mass education to people, for example, in Australia, people get their schooling via TVs if they live in remote areas. Everyday the teacher does lessons across the TV, and if the ‘pupils’ have any questions they phone in and ask on air. In South Africa we have ‘School TV’, but it isn’t a proper schooling, like Aussie’s. Sabc also offer the Math, English and Science lessons for matrics, but they are so boring that most people don’t even bother watching it. There are good shows like Dr. Phil and Oprah, where they actually are helping other people and teaching them right from wrong. Shows like these are interesting to watch and they are teaching us morals unlike everything else. Channels such as National Geographic and Discovery Channel also provide education, whether you learn about Hitler or whales, you learn something at least. But these channels are only offered on DSTV which is very expensive and the people that can afford it are the well-educated ones who don’t need it, the people that really need it can’t access it anyway. Another good thing about TV is the ‘News’, with the news on everyday, in lots of languages, everyone can keep up to date with everything that is happening around the globe without having to go to the trouble of actually reading it in a newspaper. As everything has its pros, it must have its cons. One of the main topics that people speak about is the fact that the programs are promoting immorality and it is eroding true Christian values. In every ‘soapie’ and lots of other shows, there are the people that are having affairs, pre-marital sex, taking alcohol, drugs, using bad language†¦the list goes on, but people think it’s funny and cool and do it all themselves. People believe what they see, and think it’s alright if they are also doing it because it makes them ‘cool’. In one incident on Dr Phil, there was a woman who was married to a great guy and they had three children, but she wanted to get divorced so that she could move in with a gay friend of hers, he didn’t love her and obviously never would, but she kept insisting, so finally he went to Dr Phil for help.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Internet and Books Essay
In today’s modern world, technology has a great influence on our life and time. Back in the early 19th century, when electronic devices had not been invented, the population could only use printed word such as books, posters, newspapers or magazines, to gather information. Later, in the mid 20th century, the use of computers, televisions and radios helped people to know about the incidents happening all around the world, more easily. Now, in the 21st century, the creation of internet and other devices to access it has helped us to attain gigabytes of information, just with the click of our mouse. The internet has made it possible for us to acquire answers for almost all of the questions that we ask, and has alleviated the access to information to almost every topic imaginable. Firstly, internet helps to save time and effort. All you need to do is type in your question and click SEARCH. It can give an answer to almost every question type in, and it is usually very quick, speedy and fast. On the other hand, using books or other printed texts can waste time, as you need to find the appropriate book and then search for the information you need from it. For example, while searching for a book in the library, you waste time trying to reach there, and even more time trying to find the book you need. Despite this, time is also lost when you try to find the information that is useful to you from the book. Whereas the internet acts as a filter that sieves out all the data you need, in a span of seconds. However it can be argued that using electronic devices can cause distractions and disturbances. Using the internet can divert your attention to some other unrelated site and will cause you to waste time. For instance, you may login to facebook or twitter, or check your mail instead of researching and using the time well. On the contrary, you cannot be easily distracted in a library where silence is preferred, and is filled with people who want to work. But if the internet is used properly, and if the person has a self control over himself the internet has more advantages comparing to printed texts. So in short internet can be a time-saver only if used wisely. Alternatively, the internet can sometimes provide us with unreliable information. It is like a blank page in which people are allowed to post whatever they want, and sometimes even the wrong information. As exemplified by blogs, in which anyone can post their opinions and views on a topic, the internet can be a source of unreliable and inaccurate information as it contains the judgement of different individuals and not the actual facts. On the contrary, printed texts can be a great source of reliable information. Books are written by experienced authors who have researched well about the topic themselves before publishing it. A library can assure you that the book in your hand is dependable and trustworthy. In spite of being unreliable, internet can provide us with up-to-date data. It offers information on the most recent discoveries and inventions, the latest cars or other products and about the contemporary incidents and happenings all around the world. However once a book is published, any recent findings cannot be added to it. There are always new developments in the field of health, science, technology and politics that the library simply cannot keep up with. Therefore, the internet can provide us with the latest news about our modern day developments and can be dependable only if used properly by checking the sources of a particular website. Thirdly, glaring at a screen for a long period of time can cause various eye and back problems. Computer vision syndromes like eye strain and cataracts are caused by glaring at the computer screen for prolonged periods. Millions develop a condition called ‘dry eye’, resulting in gritty, itchy, inflamed eyes, due to staring at the screen for hours. The light from computer screens can cause drastic problems to your eyes, and sometimes even partial blindness. Unlike computer screens, books can be very easy to read as they are just words printed on paper. However there are many solutions to prevent the damage caused to eyes by computer screens. Screen filters can be bought to reduce the amount of light radiation hitting our eyes. There are also many softwares that can transfer the information audibly or with the help of videos, and do not require data to be read. Regular breaks, and turning away from the screen constantly can also help in avoiding eye and back problems. Usually, there is an option to zoom in, which enables people to read easily. Unlike computers, books cannot be zoomed in, when the letters are too small to be visible, causing eye problems as well. So the problems caused by glaring at computer screens or reading the small printed texts in books, can be reduced by taking regular breaks and exercises, as anything in excess is not good for our health. Moreover, a lot of paper is wasted in the creation of books and magazines. Deforestation, being one of the greatest threats that humans are facing today, is increased by the production of paper in books. A few sheets of paper could be worth one tree. Hence the number of trees is reducing day by day. Obviously, trees are vital for our living as they are the natural producers of food. Deforestation not only causes scarcity of food and other resources, but also results in the rise of the earth’s temperature, causing global warming. In contrast to books, modern technology like mobile phones, computers or tablets does not harm the environment to a very great extent. In the case of computers the energy used is electricity, which is renewable and can be created again and again. The internet is a huge database, and more information can be adjoined into it, very easily. However books are created from sheets of paper, and if the number of books increase, then the level of deforestation can increase correspondingly. To reduce the destruction of the earth’s forests by deforestation, paper should be recycled and not wasted. Instead it is much easier to use the help of modern technology that functions with the help of renewable energy, which does not have a great impact on nature. Therefore modern electronics has made it possible to overcome a huge problem to the environment. In conclusion, modern technology has many positive uses; it has made the world a smaller place by allowing us to contact individuals all around the world, many electronic devices are very cheap making it affordable to all and has also allowed people to find out about the news and incidents happening all around the world. But every good has some bad, and the extensive use of technology can be harmful to our health. I strongly believe that modern technology has been very helpful and useful to the human population. It has eased our access to information in very sustainable manner, and has connected the world together.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Margin Questions Essay
1. Assume that an investor buys 100shares of stock at RM 50.00, putting up a 60% margin. a. What is the debit balance in this transaction? b. How much equity capital must the investor ‘s new margin position 2. Assume that an investor buys 100 shares of stock at RM 50.00 per share, putting up a 70% margin. a. What is the debit balance in this transaction? b. How much equity funds must the investor provide to make this margin transaction? c. If the stock rises to RM 80.00 per share, what is the investor margin position? 3. Miguel Torres purchased 100 shares of Can’t for RM50 per share, using as little of his own money as he could. His broker has a 50% initial margin requirement. The price of the stock falls to RM30 per share. What does Miguel need to do? 4. An investor buys 200 shares of stock selling at $ 80 per share using a margin of 60%. The stock pays annual dividends $ 1 per share. A margin loan can be obtained at an annual interest cost of 8%. Determine what return on invested capital the investor will realize if the price of the stock increases to $ 104 within six months. What is the annualized rate of return on this transaction? 5. Ah Beng purchased 3000 shares of Digi Communications Bhd. stock at RM 4.60 per share using the prevailing minimum initial margin of 65%. He held the stock for exactly 4 month and sold it without any brokerage cost at the end of the period. During the four month holding period, the stock paid RM 0.40 per share in cash dividends. Ah Beng was charged 6% annually interest on margin loan. The minimum maintenance margin was 40%. a. Calculate the initial value of the transaction, the debit balance, and the equity position on Ah Beng’s transaction. b. For each share prices stated below, calculate the actual margin percentage and indicate whether Ah Beng account would have excess equity, or would be subject to margin call? I. RM 4.00 II. RM 5.50 III. RM 6.50 IV. RM 3.30 V. RM 4.55 c. Calculate the I. Amount of dividend received during the 4 months holding period II. Amount of interest received during the 4 months holding period d. Use each of the following sale price at the end of 4 month holding period to calculate Ah Beng HPR return on Digi Communication Bhd. share transaction. I. RM 5.00 II. RM 7.00 III. RM 4.80
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighterâ€World War II
Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter- World War II Most people hear the word Mitsubishi and think automobiles. But the company was actually established as a shipping firm in 1870 in Osaka Japan, and it quickly diversified. One of its businesses, Mitsubishi Aircraft Company, founded in 1928, would go on to build lethal fighter planes for the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. One of those planes was the A6M Zero Fighter. Design Development The design of the A6M Zero began in May 1937, shortly after the introduction of the Mitsubishi A5M fighter. The Imperial Japanese Army had commissioned Mitsubishi and Nakajima both to build the planes, and the two companies began preliminary design work on a new carrier-based fighter while waiting to receive the final requirements for the aircraft from the army. These were issued in October and were based upon the A5Ms performance in the ongoing Sino-Japanese conflicts. The final specifications called for the aircraft to possess two 7.7 mm machine guns, as well as two 20 mm cannon. In addition, each airplane was to have a radio direction finder for navigation and a full radio set. For performance, the Imperial Japanese Navy required that the new design be capable of 310 mph at 13,000 ft. and possess an endurance of two hours at normal power and six to eight hours at cruising speed (with drop tanks). As the aircraft was to be carrier-based, its wingspan was limited to 39 ft. (12m). Stunned by the navys requirements, Nakajima pulled out of the project, believing that such an aircraft could not be designed. At Mitsubishi, the companys chief designer, Jiro Horikoshi, began toying with potential designs. After initial testing, Horikoshi determined that the Imperial Japanese Navys requirements could be met, but that the aircraft would have to be extremely light. Utilizing a new, top-secret aluminum, T-7178, he created an aircraft that sacrificed protection in favor of weight and speed. As a result, the new design lacked armor to protect the pilot, as well as the self-sealing fuel tanks that were becoming standard on military aircraft. Possessing retractable landing gear and a low-wing monoplane design, the new A6M was one of the most modern fighters in the world when it completed testing. Specifications Entering service in 1940, the A6M became known as the Zero based on its official designation of Type 0 Carrier Fighter. A quick and nimble aircraft, it was a few inches under 30 feet in length, with a wingspan of 39.5 feet, and a height of 10 feet. Other than its armaments, it held only one crew member, the pilot, who was the sole operator of the 2 Ãâ€" 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Type 97 machine gun. It was outfitted with two 66-lb. and one 132-lb. combat-style bombs, and two fixed 550-lb. Kamikaze-style bombs. It had a range of 1,929 miles, a maximum speed of 331 mph, and could fly as high as 33,000 feet. Operational History In early 1940, the first A6M2, Model 11 Zeros arrived in China and quickly proved themselves as the best fighter in the conflict. Fitted with a 950 hp Nakajima Sakae 12 engine, the Zero swept Chinese opposition from the skies. With the new engine, the aircraft exceeded its design specifications and a new version with folding wingtips, the A6M2, Model 21, was pushed into production for carrier use. For much of World War II, the Model 21 was the version of the Zero that was encountered by Allied aviators. A superior dogfighter than the early Allied fighters, the Zero was able to out-maneuver its opposition. To combat this, Allied pilots developed specific tactics for dealing with the aircraft. These included the Thach Weave, which required two Allied pilots working in tandem, and the Boom-and-Zoom, which saw Allied pilots fighting on the dive or climb. In both cases, the Allies benefited from the Zeros complete lack of protection, as a single burst of fire was generally enough to down the aircraft. This contrasted with Allied fighters, such as the P-40 Warhawk and F4F Wildcat, which, though less maneuverable, were extremely rugged and difficult to bring down. Nevertheless, the Zero was responsible for destroying at least 1,550 American aircraft between 1941 and 1945. Never substantially updated or replaced, the Zero remained the Imperial Japanese Navys primary fighter throughout the war. With the arrival of new Allied fighters, such as the F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair, the Zero was quickly eclipsed. Faced with superior opposition and a dwindling supply of trained pilots, the Zero saw its kill ratio drop from 1:1 to over 1:10. During the course of the war, over 11,000 A6M Zeros were produced. While Japan was the only nation to employ the aircraft on a large scale, several captured Zeros were used by the newly-proclaimed Republic of Indonesia during the Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949).
Monday, October 21, 2019
Truman Capote Essays
Truman Capote Essays Truman Capote Essay Truman Capote Essay fuelling the fire of this statement Capote was unable to watch Smith be hanged after Hickock, even departing from the building overcome with grief. Already it would appear that perhaps the sympathy that Capote attributed to Smith through his novel was for that of someone he not only related to in sense of misgivings throughout his life, through a sense of being hard done by at every turn with the world against them, but conceivably because of a relationship developed through such misgivings and empathetic feelings that Capote developed towards Smith due to totally understanding his situation and perhaps feeling that in another life he could well have been in his very same position had events gone differently. From the very start of the novel when we first meet Perry Smith he forms the central character of the book. Capote is most interested in the trajectory of Smiths life toward the final, fatal deed, in which he murders the entire clutter family with Hickock, and the people, events, and conditions that shape his course. The problem of whether Smith is condemned from the beginning, or whether perhaps, as Willie Jay ,the chaplains clerk, believed, there was something savable about him, is answered by Capote through his inclusion of letters and sketches written by Smith and others who knew him, who confirm his vicious, off the wall, temper and his yet his dormant sensitivity. Capote purposefully makes clear that Smith is, as Helen Garson illustrated in her book Truman Capote, a strange, psychopathic mixture of vicious killer and compassionate protector which in itself presents a total contrast in emotions, actions and personalities. The idea that Smith is this cold blooded killer but at the same has a very compassionate side is portrayed with rigid regularity by capote with examples being when he placed a pillow under Kenyons (the Clutter boy) head, after performing the ultimate sin, a mattress box under Herb Clutters body, and even somewhat audaciously tucked Bonnie and Nancy Clutter into their beds after tying them. In addition in the book Garson also says how Capote, as narrator, concurs with the observation of psychiatrists he quotes that Smith, in the murder of Herb Clutter, was most likely exacting retribution on a key figure in some past traumatic configuration., even Perry Smith confesses, Maybe its just that the Clutters were the unlucky soles who had to pay for it, the proverbial it in this case being the life that Smith had to endure. Smiths desire for revenge against his abusers is rendered not only understandable but acceptable. In wiping out the Clutters, Smith is extinguishing not only the image and reality of all that he was denied, but the most respectable figures in an emblematically close-knit, vindictive community. Hickock and Smith originally went to prison for petty theft, an unfortunate circumstance that affected in entirety the rest of their lives. The degree of Smith and Hickocks indifference is seen when Hickock turns sharply to hit a dog, instead of simply pass it by, and when Smith explains that he thought Herb Clutter was a very decent, nice man, right up until the moment I cut his throat. Hickock does in fact improve his petty criminal behavior, developing a talent for passing bad checks, bedding married women, and passing in the world of decent humanity, while Smith develops an inconsistent aversion to drinking, indiscriminate sex, and unnecessary theft, although he is gripped with a desire to travel that prevents his commitment to anything that might resemble home or family. Once they had fallen off the generic, automated mechanism of upward mobility toward the american dream, the barriers to re-entry were too high to scale again, and, Capote implies, not interesting to Smith and Hickock. In this Capote is somewhat giving the American society and culture a bashing and using it as a scapegoat for crimes that many would have seen unforgivable. The American dream says anyone can be anything they desire, but all too often it is the ones that fall by the wayside that are more accountable than ones that reach prosperity. In the novel Capote includes letters written by Smiths family, the psychiatrist and befriended chaplains clerk, Willie Jay, which detail Smiths entire life and mental state. Smith is seen from these as a human with genuine intelligence and having a real sense of empathy and social integrity; however over time it has been warped into something quite undistinguishable through his traumatic life. As far as his family life went his mother died of alcoholism at a young age after choking on her sick, his brother and sister later committed suicide and another one of smiths sisters disowned him, never to want contact again (even when news of his execution reaches him she shows no real compassion) . Smith never got a formal education due to moving house regularly with his father, despite this he taught himself to play the guitar and to paint. He often read to increase his vocabulary and was very keen on making something of himself as a young man. During his youth he reads constantly and, being a bit of a prude, avoids vulgar literature and materials. In prison, he paints a portrait of Jesus for the prison chaplain, which leads Reverend Post to believe that Smith cannot be all that bad. Capotes recounting of Smiths childhood and family life begs the question whether Smiths crimes stem from inherent criminal tendencies, or whether he is pushed onto that path through circumstances beyond his control and with this he wants the reader to sympathise with Smith, showing that perhaps if the young man had been afforded the time, and upbringing he deserved then he could have been something very important to the world. This is all put to shame by the fact that murder cannot be forgiven, ho wever, in the circumstances of which Capote paints Smiths upbringing it becomes ever more clear and easier to understand why exactly it is he feels such sympathy for the man and why he paints him in such a positive light. In the novel moments before his death Smith turns to the warden and repents, It would be meaningless to apologize for what I did. Even inappropriate. But I do. I apologize. This is a clear indication perhaps of the man having a conscience, although we see rare glimpses of it thorough I think Capote put this in to leave the final feeling before the execution of his favorite character as one of sympathy on the level that he himself felt towards Smith. The idea that a hardened criminal would apologise and repent is somewhat unlikely and as a result the inclusion of such an act presents Perry Smith not in the light of a criminal but in virginal innocence (at one extreme) as it would seem to onlookers who knew his whole story (like Capote) that he, despite everything he went through, did in fact feel guilt for his actions and perhaps had given up on life too early. To reiterate, Capote argues, none too subtly, that Smith had considerable potential for a productive life had he not been abused and cast out throughout his life. In noting his sympathies for Smith, it is clear that Capote identifies and empathizes with Smith personally. But Capotes questioning of the relevance and righteousness of small-town values and priorities could be his own angry criticism of the world he himself inhabited: a false meritocracy in which his talents were inadequate unless accompanied by a biting, unrelenting charm. Capote depicts the hypocrisy of Smith and Hickocks trial and execution with similar precision; murder by an individual was illegitimate, but murder by the state was an accepted, even necessary means of satisfying a sense of reckoning and restoring order. The book is at the end of the day a criticism of societys handling of its children and its unwillingness to forgive those outside the boundaries of acceptable definition. Capotes portrayal of Smith as the victim of a self-righteous society reveals his own rejection of conformity and his identification with the antagonist anti-hero. Smiths chief fault, Capote believes, is not being a criminal, but attempting to transform the course set by childhood trauma and familial abuse and resist the depiction of himself by others. If Smith is not mentally ill, Capote believes that he has undeveloped violent tendencies, like everyone, which were fed a steady diet by a history of humiliating experiences. Capotes indifference to the sedate, predictable life of the Clutters supports his sympathetic portrayal of Smith. He does not valorise Smith or glorify the Clutters, but he endorses Smiths attempts to escape the stock characterization of problem child, juvenile delinquent, and finally, career crim inal. He does not similarly endorse the Clutters existence: Herb Clutter is a two-dimensional Everyman, icon of the American dream and the Puritan work ethic. To conclude, Capotes identification with Smith exists on several levels. He empathises with Smiths desire to escape his broken family history, to leave behind his horrific roots, and to enter and be accepted in a different social sphere. Capote, like Smith, came from a broken home, had no mother, and longed for celebrity status, or at least to be known. He did not complete his education, barely finishing high school, while Smith left school after the third grade. At the end of his life, Capote had been inducted into the world of fame and high society, but it was a false world of celebrities in which he was only a trophy, fashionable but marginal, and he was ultimately expelled from it for gossiping about them in print. In a sense, his celebrity seemed to make him even more sympathetic to the killers: why should he, also the product of a broken home, an outcast, without a complete formal education, run in such inflated circles while Smith did not? To say that it is inappropriate to sy mpathise with such a person, being a multiple killer though he is, is in the case somewhat understandable. Capote tries to engross the reader into a world far from that which most will have been a part of, but yet a world that exists perhaps almost behind closed doors. He led a hard life, not too dissimilar to Smith and yet he flourished, it shows that one choice or one circumstance can change who we are at any stage, and I think, like I said early, in another life Capote sees himself as being Perry Smith, so he feels empathy towards the man who he construes as potentially himself in a parallel existence.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Are Criminals Born or Made
There are numerous debates about what causes crime. Some people assume that criminal behavior is due to a person’s upbringing and life experiences (â€Å"nurture†). Others suggest that criminal behavior is more complex and involves a person’s genetic makeup (â€Å"nature†). Are people just born that way? Is criminal behavior pre-determined at some point in people’s lives? This paper will present how crime behaviors can be hereditary but most criminals are shaped by their environment factors instead. As the theories of genetic influences in crimes are undeniable; it should only be seen as an inclination of crime rather then the cause of crime (Raine, A. 1993 pg50). Hence, a criminal can be born but shaped and influenced by the society to cultivate the criminal traits in them. Social scientists have argued the nature-nurture debate for many years, both in the popular press and professional literature. Nature proponents argue that biological factors and genetic composition explain much of human behavior. Nurture proponents contend that environmental factors, such as family, school, church and community, are paramount in the development of behavior patterns. Besides, some traits, such as human intelligence, depend upon a complex combination of both hereditary and environmental influences. According to Pollak, that there is a new way of looking at these different experiences that turn different genes on or off (Pollak S. 2002). New research reveals that life experiences can alter the biochemistry of many genes- our moral development later in life changes our genes and is this could be hereditary. Cesare Lombroso, a 19th century Italian physician, reminded students that nurture, not nature, is responsible for criminal behavior. In contrast, Freudian psychoanalysis and the depth psychologies of Alfred Adler, Erik Erikson, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Carl Jung, Melanie Klein, Otto Rank and Harry Stack Sullivan focused on the dynamic unconscious (the natural instinct of a human), theorizing that the depths of human psyche integrates with the conscious mind to produce a healthy human personality. Nevertheless, many researchers show that criminal behaviors can be hereditary. Human genes carry many personality traits inherited from their ancestors and even from their parents. Lombroso, regarded by many as the father of criminology, is convinced that people are born criminals as it is in an individual’s nature to commit crime. Criminals have been found to carry a few certain features and personality traits. According to Darwin and him, we evolved from animals. In this theory, genes mutate and get passed on to each descendant, concluding that some people are predisposed to criminality and they are not the same species as humans (AllAboutScience. org, 2005). According to Sigmund Freud, all humans have criminal tendencies. However, the process of socialization curbs these tendencies by the developing of inner controls that are learned through childhood experience. Freud hypothesized that the most common element that contributed to criminal behavior was faulty identification by children with their parents. Improperly socialized children may develop personality disturbances that causes them to direct antisocial impulses inward or outward. The child who directs them outward becomes a criminal, and the child that directs them inward becomes a neurotic. In Freud’s theory of the Defense Mechanisms, he finds the cause of individual behavior in the unconscious mind (Freud, S. 1930). Sociobiology attributes â€Å"genetics as the only factor of behavior†. The mankind uses each one of them in everyday life. One clear example of man being biological is that at sometimes man can have animal drives and desires. This drive is driven by the idea and of free will that is taken for granted. Another theory Freud developed included the Id, Ego, and Superego (Freud, S. 1923). Here, personality has a definable structure with three basic components. The most primitive part of the personality, present in the infant is the Id, meaning â€Å"it†in Latin. The Id is an unconscious, irrational and immoral part of the personality that exists at birth (by nature), containing all the basic biological drives: hunger, thirst, self-protection, and sex. A component of personality, the id seeks immediate satisfaction of natural urges through primary process, without concern for the morals and norms of society. Ego and Superego deals with how the mind works conscientiously and unconsciously. It describes the behavior of the human body and motives of our actions. Freud was a pessimist when it came to human nature. He identified man’s weaknesses in saying that man is a biological creature with biological drives. He reflected these ideas from Darwin’s original ideas. In Freud’s views, the three parts of the psychic structure – id, ego, and superego are always in dynamic conflict. We are always unaware of the conflicts between the id, ego, and superego. According to psychodynamic theory, when a threat becomes especially serious, it may lead to intense inhibitions and defenses. These may be expressed as violence and aggression- inhibiting reaction. According to Freud, humans are defensive. This defensive mechanism is part of everyday speech and action. The lack of basic need stimulates the unconscious id and impels a person toward aggression which may later express itself in a tendency toward criminal behavior. If moral and social values are instilled from day one, an individual is given ‘will power’ as a tool for survival as well as the ability to practise self control. For example, Socrates, a Greek philosopher was analysed as brutal, sensuous and inclined to being a drunkard by a physiognomist. By admitting that the examination revealed his inner self, and learning to control it, he managed to overcome the negative side (Vold, B. , Bernard, J. amp; Snipes, B. 2002, pg32). The ability to control negative desires or mens rea is a natural thing. If we said that criminals are made by their surroundings and their social factors, we could safely say that criminals are shaped by bad influences or social status. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, when the basic need for an individual is not met or self esteem is threatened, the individual will turn on his or her defensive mechanism as reaction to this perceived threat (Maslow, H. 1943). Some resort to robbing and stealing food and necessities as a way of survival. Another basic need of humankind is the need for belonging and acceptance by others. Some might feel forced into criminal activities to enable them to live certain lifestyles that will achieve this aim. Because defensive mechanisms are unconscious, they are difficult to control. However, the psychologists of the 1950s and 1960s rejected this theory. Nevertheless, in recent years, the cognitive revolution has again made defensive mechanisms the subject of scientific investigation, and cognitive, developmental, and personality psychologists have found some evidence for their existence (Cramer,P. 2000). Carl Jung and Freud shared the same ideas and even theoretical concepts, including psyche, ego, consciousness, and unconsciousness (Somerfield, R. amp; McCrae, R. 000). But Jung greatly expanded the concept of the unconscious. Jung argued that the mind of the newborn infant is not blank slate, but is imprinted with forms from the past experiences that are common to all humans in the universe. One major challenge of our time is to discover the underlying causes of crime and to develop new techniques for preventing it. Although we should not ignore poverty, racism, joblessness, and other environmental factors which do influence criminals, biological and genetic factors may prove to be powerful predictors of criminal behavior. It is hoped that genetic tendencies toward crime, if they do prove to exist, can be modified by early intervention with such methods as psychotherapy, classes in effective parenting, and improved preschool education. Additional research on both genetic and environmental factors is necessary if we are to prevent the emergence of criminals like the serial killer Ivan Milat – â€Å"the backpacker murderer†in future generations. According to Lombroso and Ferri, there are four basic types of criminals. The first type is those who are born criminals. According to Ferri, this group constitute a third of all criminals. They are morally underdeveloped and epileptic. The second type is the insane criminals. This insanity is caused by a defect in their brains which causes them to be incapable from differentiating right from wrong. Intoxicated people are included in this group, since over consumption of alcohol has a similar effect on the brain. The criminal by passion is the third type, where according to Lombroso, these criminals are more likely to be females then male. They are usually urged by emotions or the need for revenge because of something or someone. For example, a mother who murders her husband who was found out to be the serial rapist of daughter. The strong emotions of betrayal and revenge for the overwhelming hurt done to her daughter would have driven her to the murder of her spouse. The fourth type of criminal is the occasional criminal. They comprise of a few categories. Firstly, the pseudocriminal who kills in self defense. Secondly, the criminaloid who are influenced by situations and circumstances to commit crime. Thirdly, the habitual criminals who are normally offenders of the petty crimes such as white collar criminals and last but not the least harmless, the epileptoid criminal who suffers from epilepsy. In conclusion, theories of genetic influences in crimes are reliable, but are only factors influencing crime, rather than its cause. Environment and parent care, peer pressure and human needs play a large part unearthing the underlying motives and causes of crime, because humans are intelligent creatures that learn from experience. Hence, crime is a human act that can develop as a reaction to one’s surroundings and nurture.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Criminalology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Criminalology - Essay Example Institutional violence is a chaotic incidence that results in physical or mental injuries. In this case, the violence culminates into suffering, loss and body harm. There are five main types of institutional violence. Intrapersonal violence occurs when a person decides to harm himself /herself. In this case, the occurrence is referred to as suicide or self mutilation. People commit suicide through poisoning, hanging or drowning among other forms of suicide. Interpersonal violence takes place between two persons. In this case, a person causes body harm to another one in cases such as rape, sexual assault and psychological attach among others. Gang violence is usually perpetrated by a group of organized criminals or a gang. In this case, the gang organizes attack on a person or a group of persons. The gang is usually formally organized or loosely attached to each other to commit a crime. Organized attack is perpetrated by a group of well organized attackers to the prison staff. Lastly, institutional violence is the attack done by the prison staff to the offender. In this case, the prisoners are sexually, emotionally and sexually attacked by the prison wardens. The rehabilitation program must have clear and concise objectives. In this case, objectives to be achieved must be clearly stipulated and communicated to both the facilitator and the prisoners. At the beginning of the rehabilitation classes, the facilitator should take sufficient time to explain to the prisoners the specific steps that they need to have achieved by the end of a specified period. In this case, the goals need to be reasonably figural to help the learner realize how much they have achieved and how much is yet to be done. In addition, these goals require to be based on clear theories or concepts. As such, the goals must be drawn for extensive research conducted by reputable
Friedrich Nietzsche a Philosopher in Society Essay
Friedrich Nietzsche a Philosopher in Society - Essay Example This essay analyzes that nationalism is the belief that groups of people are bound together by territorial, cultural and (sometimes) ethnic links (Glossary, online). Capitalism is an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods depend on invested private capital and profit-making. Politically, this means the dominance of private owners of capital and production for profit. By extension, 'capitalism' has also taken in the belief that government should have nothing to do with the economy (Glossary, online). Capitalism is a form of government for a nation state, or for an organization in which all the citizens have a vote or voice in shaping policy (Democracy, online). Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the community as a whole should own and control the means of production (Glossary, online). Conservatism is a political philosophy or attitude that emphasizes respect for traditional institutions, distrust of gover nment activism and opposition to sudden change in the established order (Glossary, online). Liberalism is a term that gained significance in the 19th century when it meant the limiting of government power and the increase of social reform (Glossary, online). ... All Too Human, Daybreak, The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, The Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and The Will to Power (Friedrich Nietzsche a, online). Friedrich Nietzsche is famous for his rejection of Christianity (Friedrich Nietzsche b, online). He described Christianity as a nihilistic religion because it evaded the challenge of finding meaning in earthly life, creating instead a spiritual projection where mortality and suffering were removed instead of transcended. He believed nihilism resulted from the "death of God", and insisted that it was something to be overcome, by returning meaning to a monistic reality. He sought instead a "pragmatic idealism," in contrast to the prominent influence of Schopenhauer's "cosmic idealism" (Nihilism, online). He is also famous for his idea of "will to power". Hopes for a higher state of being after death are explained as compensations for failures in this life. The famous view about the "death of God" resulted from his observations of the movement from traditional beliefs to a trust of science and commerce. Nietzsche dissected Christianity and Socialism as faiths of the "little men," where excuses for weakness paraded as moral principles. John Stuart Mill's liberal democratic humanism was a target for scorn, and he called Mill "that blockhead" (Friedrich Nietzsche b, online).
Concept Of Reciprocity In Discourse Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Concept Of Reciprocity In Discourse - Assignment Example These morphemes imply some kind of a back and forth movement. ‘Reciprocity’ is also related to feedback, interaction and causality. In a speech situation when a speaker puts across his message, the hearer listens to it and signals that he has heard it. This is the feedback. This takes place constantly between the speaker and the listener, and there is interaction among them. The response of a speaker depends upon what he hears. The speech is a cause and the response is the effect. Hence, there is causality involved in reciprocity. 2. Concept Of Reciprocity In Discourse A speech situation involves a speaker and a listener. â€Å"Reciprocity condition of speech refers to the relation between the speaker and the listener in the process of speech.†( Bygate, 1987 ) Speech is a reciprocal activity. At this point, it is necessary to differentiate between speech and writing. The way language is organized in speech is different from the way it is organized in writing. In order to speak fluently, a speaker must have grammatical competency which includes knowledge of vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence structure and meaning. But speaking does not mean merely putting together words in a grammatical structure. The capacity to use language appropriately is called communicative competence. It is the knowledge that underlines the use of grammatical competence in communicative situations. Speech situation consists of various factors like topic, purpose, social relations, environment etc. These differ from culture to culture and community to community. In sh ort, â€Å"speaking is not a discrete skill. It overlaps a number of other areas. Structure of conversation is culturally determined.†( Hughes, R., 2002 ) Now let us look closely at what happens when two people speak. The speaker has a message which he encodes and transmits to the listener through speech. The listener listens to the speech and decodes the message. The listener then responds in the same way, by transmitting a message. Hence, the speaker becomes the listener and vice versa. An individual takes turns at being a speaker and a listener alternately. This is called ‘turn taking’. In a speech event, the participants are face-to-face and the turn-taking is a continuous process. Hence, we see that casual conversations are also organized by rules. People take turns at speaking and listening, they answer questions, mark the beginning and end of a conversation, make mistakes and correct themselves. All this needs some kind of direction and control on the par t of the speakers. People do not say – I have finished now. You can answer my question. Conversations are organized covertly and the organizational principles provide a discreet interactional framework. It is within this framework that reciprocity takes place. â€Å"Reciprocity develops during the ongoing negotiation of meaning between speaker and listener, thus producing a joint construction of communication.†( Byrne D., 1987 ) Reciprocity involves the use of turn-taking skills, strategies to interrupt and to control the topic, which are necessary to maintain meaningful interaction. During conversations, individuals follow norms like politeness principles and co-operative principles. They also reciprocate each others’ verbal and non-verbal behavior. In a social intercourse, people are obligated to help and not to harm those who help them. Social activity is also reciprocal and ubiquitous. The ability to appropriately reciprocate or compensate a partner’ s communicative response is an essential element of communicative
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Ethical Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethical Case Analysis - Essay Example It defines the organization’s role as the promotion of availability of information, freedom of speech and transparency. Hacktivism, however, does not necessarily mean criminal ventures as it includes application of websites’ links to publish information on social networks. Posts such as like a particular page for facebook to make donations towards a cause are examples. The author however simplifies its definition to application of the internet to facilitate an objective (Carter, p. 1). Anonymous is the illustrated example of hacktivist group that breaks into websites whose opinion the organization does not agree with. The group also applies its high level of skills to close down websites such as those of governments and other organizations as counter attack initiatives for actions that are offensive to its objectives. Its reaction to the temporary closure of the Wikileaks website is the recent example. The group is also involved in other mass action movements. The author however notes that most internet users in social network unknowingly participate in hackivism through following hacktivists’ directives to publish links on their social network pages (Carter, p. 1). The article identifies two moral agents. Anonymous group is identified as a specific moral agent and the social network users who engage in the type of publications as general moral agents in the case. This is because the parties’ initiatives that involve conveyance of information to the public can be determined as either right or wrong. The act can be right to the effect of truthfully criticizing an evil or advocating for a beneficial initiative but can be bad if the criticism is not based on the truth, leading to harm. Anonymous for example advocates for freedom of expression and acts in defense against authoritarian initiatives. Depending on the consequences of their actions, they can be judged as either good or bad. Actions of individuals in
Allow Gay and lesbians to be married Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Allow Gay and lesbians to be married - Essay Example Based on this, gay and lesbian marriage should be allowed in the society. Same-sex marriages should be allowed in the society. However, those opposing this idea have come out with different facts to condemn the idea. Research shows that same sex marriage is beneficial to the society and the country legalizing same sex marriage. Lipp (2013) argues that same-sex marriage is beneficial to the US and the general population. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT, contributes economically, socially, politically and financially to American society. Discriminations of LGBT rights lowers the dignity of American people especially LGBT. However, giving them their rights such as legalizing same sex marriages establishes their worthiness and values as American people having equal rights like others (Lipp, 2013). Further, support of same sex marriages gives values and establishes minority groups that have suffered for a long time. Additionally, cases of stigmatization and homophobia are reduced and large population throughout the US and other parts of the world will relate well with LGBT. This is vital in reducing cases of discrimination against gays and lesbians. Discrimination against same sex marriage or rights that are enjoyed by same-sex persons affects individuals advocating and practicing same-sex marriage psychologically and socially. However, allowing same-sex couples to have rights the same way straight couples have assisted them in reducing cases of psychological effects and promote a healthy society (Lipp, 2013). The study shows that many same-sex couples in the US raise children. However, children raised by same sex couples have been disadvantaged because they do not enjoy the rights provided to them by the federal government just like benefits provided to families of straight couples. This affects children,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Concept Of Reciprocity In Discourse Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Concept Of Reciprocity In Discourse - Assignment Example These morphemes imply some kind of a back and forth movement. ‘Reciprocity’ is also related to feedback, interaction and causality. In a speech situation when a speaker puts across his message, the hearer listens to it and signals that he has heard it. This is the feedback. This takes place constantly between the speaker and the listener, and there is interaction among them. The response of a speaker depends upon what he hears. The speech is a cause and the response is the effect. Hence, there is causality involved in reciprocity. 2. Concept Of Reciprocity In Discourse A speech situation involves a speaker and a listener. â€Å"Reciprocity condition of speech refers to the relation between the speaker and the listener in the process of speech.†( Bygate, 1987 ) Speech is a reciprocal activity. At this point, it is necessary to differentiate between speech and writing. The way language is organized in speech is different from the way it is organized in writing. In order to speak fluently, a speaker must have grammatical competency which includes knowledge of vocabulary, pronunciation, sentence structure and meaning. But speaking does not mean merely putting together words in a grammatical structure. The capacity to use language appropriately is called communicative competence. It is the knowledge that underlines the use of grammatical competence in communicative situations. Speech situation consists of various factors like topic, purpose, social relations, environment etc. These differ from culture to culture and community to community. In sh ort, â€Å"speaking is not a discrete skill. It overlaps a number of other areas. Structure of conversation is culturally determined.†( Hughes, R., 2002 ) Now let us look closely at what happens when two people speak. The speaker has a message which he encodes and transmits to the listener through speech. The listener listens to the speech and decodes the message. The listener then responds in the same way, by transmitting a message. Hence, the speaker becomes the listener and vice versa. An individual takes turns at being a speaker and a listener alternately. This is called ‘turn taking’. In a speech event, the participants are face-to-face and the turn-taking is a continuous process. Hence, we see that casual conversations are also organized by rules. People take turns at speaking and listening, they answer questions, mark the beginning and end of a conversation, make mistakes and correct themselves. All this needs some kind of direction and control on the par t of the speakers. People do not say – I have finished now. You can answer my question. Conversations are organized covertly and the organizational principles provide a discreet interactional framework. It is within this framework that reciprocity takes place. â€Å"Reciprocity develops during the ongoing negotiation of meaning between speaker and listener, thus producing a joint construction of communication.†( Byrne D., 1987 ) Reciprocity involves the use of turn-taking skills, strategies to interrupt and to control the topic, which are necessary to maintain meaningful interaction. During conversations, individuals follow norms like politeness principles and co-operative principles. They also reciprocate each others’ verbal and non-verbal behavior. In a social intercourse, people are obligated to help and not to harm those who help them. Social activity is also reciprocal and ubiquitous. The ability to appropriately reciprocate or compensate a partner’ s communicative response is an essential element of communicative
Allow Gay and lesbians to be married Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Allow Gay and lesbians to be married - Essay Example Based on this, gay and lesbian marriage should be allowed in the society. Same-sex marriages should be allowed in the society. However, those opposing this idea have come out with different facts to condemn the idea. Research shows that same sex marriage is beneficial to the society and the country legalizing same sex marriage. Lipp (2013) argues that same-sex marriage is beneficial to the US and the general population. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT, contributes economically, socially, politically and financially to American society. Discriminations of LGBT rights lowers the dignity of American people especially LGBT. However, giving them their rights such as legalizing same sex marriages establishes their worthiness and values as American people having equal rights like others (Lipp, 2013). Further, support of same sex marriages gives values and establishes minority groups that have suffered for a long time. Additionally, cases of stigmatization and homophobia are reduced and large population throughout the US and other parts of the world will relate well with LGBT. This is vital in reducing cases of discrimination against gays and lesbians. Discrimination against same sex marriage or rights that are enjoyed by same-sex persons affects individuals advocating and practicing same-sex marriage psychologically and socially. However, allowing same-sex couples to have rights the same way straight couples have assisted them in reducing cases of psychological effects and promote a healthy society (Lipp, 2013). The study shows that many same-sex couples in the US raise children. However, children raised by same sex couples have been disadvantaged because they do not enjoy the rights provided to them by the federal government just like benefits provided to families of straight couples. This affects children,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Fuddy Meers Essay Example for Free
Fuddy Meers Essay They play was quite an interesting play with its use of comedy and tragedy. The actors did a terrific job on portraying the characters. The set was small so it was much easier to see their reactions. The introduction to the play was pretty unique with those people in tight pants and glitter all over everybody in the lobby. They never broke character no matter what went on in the lobby. Later they used as prompts on stage which was pretty interesting because at times I was so into the play I forgot they were there acting as a car or a door. Although Claire was the main character, the actor who played Millet had the best acting on stage. They way he switch between the two personality was amazing and hilarious. He portrayed the character really well and had me believing for a bit that he actually had a dual personality. His entrance on to the stage in every scene was perfect, every time he can on he was really enthusiastic and his enthusiasm did not fluctuate too much in the play, even though he was not playing one but two characters. The actress who played Claire portrayed the character well. From the beginning to the end she really captured the characters and her emotions. When she first entered on stage I was confused of what was going as she was walking aimlessly across the stage but later realized that was the whole point. She wanted the audience to believe she was confused and lost; and she did. I notice her break the fourth wall every now and then as she looked into the audience. I suppose it was part of the scrip to interact with the audience because she mostly did it when she was on the side doing random things with the people in tight pants. Her entrances where perfect every time, even though the scenes where being switched off between her and Richard in the car, she never seen to loose focus. You could clearly see every expression on her face which made it more realistic to the audience. The actor who played Richard could have done a better job on portraying his character. He wasn’t terrible it just looked like he was trying to hard; it just didn’t seem as natural. For example in the scene he gets pulled over by the lady cop, he was a little too jittery; no one really acts like that. Overall he did pretty decent job but could have done much better. The limping man, who was Zack than later we found out he was Claire ex husband, did an amazing job portraying his character. It wasn’t only his facial deformation, which I have to admit looked pretty real to me, but was the way he acted out the character, from the lisp to the scary deep voice, that made him truly incredible. He made the audience believe he was really deformed. The scene when he first took Claire and he was struggle to enter the window was pretty hilarious but he also gave an insight to what he character was going through. They endowed many things on the set, most of the things looked pretty realistic. In the scene when Richard and his son go looking for Claire they used a paper joint to endow the marijuana they were smoking but they did not portray being under the influence as well as they could have. Usually people that smoke pot are really laid back and giggly with short term memory loss not knowing what their doing half the time. They also endowed the officer’s gun which still look pretty real. When Claire was running up and down the stage with that knife it seem pretty dangerous but from where I was sitting I couldn’t even tell if it was real or fake. The overall play was excellent and it gave me an opportunity to learn from these actors what to do and not to do. They really had some tremendous actors on this set who did an amazing job on convincing the audience on what was going on in the play.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The importance of childrens play and talk
The importance of childrens play and talk The first example is of Js first experience of mark making with felt tip pens and on speaking to the parents this was his first experience of using any drawing implements. This activity came about from Js own initiation his interest was gained when he saw his sister with the pens she was sat beside him drawing a picture of what she described as a rabbit, J watched for a while then grabbed at the pen his sister asked ‘Do you want to draw a picture ‘, J made a sound his sister gave him a blank piece of paper and a felt tip pen. J made marks on the paper looking up at his sister every so often who would say ‘wow J thats fantastic, good boy J would smile then continue to make more marks, Js sister gave him more colours J tried to pick all the pens up at once but dropped them all, he picked one up made a mark then tried another he continued this action for the duration of the activity. The activity was initiated and endedby J which lasted around 30 minuets. The second example is again by J and his first mark making and exploration with paint. This activity was adult initiated, the adult introduced a large rectangular blank canvas and different coloured paints with different size paint brushes. J was unsure at first and kept his distance, however moved closer and closer firstly poked the canvas with his finger, he picked up a brush exploring it with his mouth and then fingers, he put the brush on the table then put his finger in a paint pot he looked at his finger touching it with his thumb he put his hand on the table when he lifted his hand off he looked at the mark the paint had made poking his finger in the mark moving it around this made the mark bigger, J put his finger on the canvas the adult said ‘ what that ‘look its Js finger, J put his finger back in the paint moving it around the canvas. The adult picked the large brush up handing it to J ‘do you want to try the brush J took the brush he explored it with is mouth screwing his face up as the brush touched his tongue, ‘ewwwww said the adul t pulling his face ‘put it in there pointing to the pot of paint. J looked at the pot he dipped the edge of the large brush in the paint then dragged the brush across the canvas he continued this action a few times the picked the smaller brush putting it into different colours using a dabbing motion he made more masks on the canvas , he held the brush in one hand then placed the other onto the canvas lifted it up looking at his hand which was covered in different coloured paint he moved it closer to his face dropped the brush poked his painted hand moving his finger around the paint , J looked at his finger then put both hands together pulling them apart them put one on the canvas looking at the adult smiling ‘wow J thats Js hand J squealed then poked at the canvas with his painted finger. J put his hand on his face the adult laughed J then put both hands on his face laughing the adult said ‘come on J we better get you cleaned up . Because of the age of J the activity was more about exploration and investigation and the introduction to new experiences. Clay 1979; Goodman 1973; Smith 1971 cited in Barrat-Pugh 2000 challenged the developmentalist view of literacy drawing upon the 1970 research into how children learn to read and write their suggestions were that reading and writing are not isolated skills that can be taught but however the child is an active participant and the process is ongoing from birth. Arguing that reading, writing and oral language developments are interrelated, emerging over time through participation in literacy events. The childs family and community are central to this process as they provide experiences that facilitate emergent literacy. The importance of childrens play and talk is recognised in the Governments literacy and numeracy strategies where a commitment is stated to using these for reception children in their first year of school (Wood, E. 2004). The Association for Early Childhood Education recommends that practitioners make allowances for the fact that children learn at different levels and so activities need to be well planned and organised, thus providing opportunities for different children to shine in different contexts. The Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage in England also recommends a play-based curriculum. The practioner needs to be able to plan and resource challenging learning environments and to support childrens learning through planned play activity. The practitioner also needs to be able to extend and support the spontaneous play of children and help develop their language and communication skills through play. The practitioner also needs to ensure the childs continuity and progress ion (Wood, E. 2004:20). Moyles et al (2001) have argued that a learning environment that is dependent on play leads onto more mature forms of knowledge, skills and understanding. There is evidence to suggest that through play children develop high levels of verbal skill and creative problem solving capabilities. Practitioners need to be resourceful and have a tightly organised environment if they are to integrate play into the curriculum and the child becomes a powerful player in constructing their own learning (Malaguzzi, 1993). In order that the process is meaningful the teacher needs to understand how and what the child thinks and knows, and to be able to engage with this (Wood, 2004). Vygotsky (1933) argued that what children learn and how they learn it is driven by the social experiences and social interactions that they encounter and the development of their thinking occurs as a result of the interaction between themselves, their environment, and more experienced others. Thus, learning is a collaborative process, practitioners need to be aware however of the power relationships that exist in educational settings. Children have no control over the world they enter, of the pre-existing cultural practices or of the power of the expectations of others, particularly their parents and teache rs (MacNaughton, 2004). Training for those who intend to work in the early years sector should not neglect the issue of power or the contexts in which it operates. In English preschool classrooms, learning by being active and interactive, by exploring the environment, has gained universal status (Curtis, 1998). Dewey advocated that children learn best by exploring and manipulating their environment. Isaacs (1933) also emphasized the importance of learning by doing. She wrote that play is not the only means by which children come to discover the world; the whole of their spontaneous activity creates their psychic equilibrium in the early years. Communication, Language and Literacy includes the child to read a variety of different books, being able to communicate in different ways, such as facial expressions and eye contact used in non verbal communication. Children should be able to communicate in order for them to participate in their society. Children should also receive simple reading tasks and texts and writing for different purposes. Drake, (2001) A study carried out by Halls (1987) in a literate home corner, showed that where paper, pencils, newspapers, planners, telephone directories, cookery books and catalogues were added as part of the environment. During the four hour days of this study, children were engaged in 290 literacy events. For example it was found that the frequency, duration and complexity of childrens play with print increased and that the objective encouraged self-generated literacy activity. A particularly interesting finding was that children in the intervention group often transformed the literacy objects into something else. Another example was the cookery books became magic genie books, and newspapers became magazines. Language is a powerful source of signs, and empowers the child to restructure his or her environment, (Taylor and Woods 1998). There are many ways that children make connections with writing and reading, and many pathways into literacy. Writing and reading can enter young childrens lives in a variety of ways. Early experiences with literacy may be initiated by the child or by other people, they may be playful or work-like, and may take place at home, in the neighbourhood or in community settings. The range and diversity of early literacy experiences suggests that there are many ways that children make connections with writing and reading, and many pathways to literacy. Literacy development often starts in young childrens early symbol using activities: in talking, in play and fantasy, in scribbling and drawing, in pretend reading and writing. Between the ages of 1-5 children learn to use symbols they invent for themselves and those donated by the culture (Gardner Wolf, 1979, p.vii). The use of symbolsâ€â€which may include words, gestures, marks on paper, objects modelled in clay, and so forthâ€â€makes it possible to represent experience, feelings and ideas. Symbols also allow children to go beyond the immediate here and now and to create imaginary worlds Play consumes much of young childrens time and energy, and for many children, play is where writing and reading begin. Play is the arena in which young children make connections between their immediate personal world and activities that are important in the larger social world of family and community, and play is the context in which many children find ways to make culturally valued activities part of their own personal experience. When children play with writing and reading, they are actively trying to useâ€â€and to understand and make sense ofâ€â€reading and writing long before they can actually read and write. When books, paper, and writing material are among the objects children play with, important literacy learning can occur. As they experiment with written language, often in playful ways, children begin to learn what writing and reading are, and what they can do with them. At the same time, children can acquire a range of information and skills related to writing and r eading, as well as feelings and expectations about themselves as potential readers and writers. This multifaceted body of knowledge and attitudes constitutes early or emergent literacy (Holdaway, 1979; Teale Sulzby, 1986). Play appears to have at least two potential links to the development of literacy: First, as a symbolic activity, pretend play allows children to develop and refine their capacities to use symbols, to represent experience, and to construct imaginary worlds, capacities they will draw on when they begin to write and read. Second, as an orientation or approach to experience, play can make the various roles and activities of people who read and write more meaningful and hence more accessible to young children. In play the focus is on exploring rather than on accomplishing predetermined ends or goals, so there are few pressures to produce correct answers or final products. Plays non literal, not-for-real, not-for-profit orientation allows players the freedom to manipulate materials, experiences, roles and ideas in new, creative, experimental, as if ways (Bruner, 1977, p.v; Garvey, 1974). Play thus creates a risk-free context in which children do not have to worry about getting it right or about messing up. This freedom may lead children to discover or invent possibilitiesâ€â€new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking about ideasâ€â€which may, in turn, lead them to new questions, problems, and solutions. Approaching writing and reading with such an experimental, as if attitude may help children realize that written language is something they can manipulate in a variety of ways and for a variety of purposes. Playing at writing and readingâ€â€by scribbling, drawing, pretend ing to write, or pretending to readâ€â€may serve to open up the activities of writing and reading for childrens consideration and exploration (Bruner, 1976; Sutton-Smith, 1979). While activities like talking, playing, and drawing are closely linked to writing and reading, and while their use often intertwine and overlap, there are no direct or inevitable transitions between earlierâ€â€and laterâ€â€developed symbol systems. Whether and how children make connections between talking, playing, drawing, and writing and reading depends on the childrens interests and personalities, on what is available and valued in their particular culture, on how the people around them use writing and reading in their own lives, and how these people initiate and respond to childrens writing and reading activities. In other words, early literacy development does not simply happen; rather, it is part of a social process, embedded in childrens relationships with parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, caretakers, and teachers. Early writing activities tend to be more visible than early reading activities because they involve making something. If given crayons or pencils, children usually begin to scribble around the age of 18 months; they find scribbling interesting because it leaves a visible traceâ€â€they have made something that didnt exist before. When children encounter print in their environment, they use this visual information in their scribbling and pretend writing. Marie Clay (1975) has shown that as scribbling develops, it begins to incorporate various features of conventional written language, such as linearity, horizontally, and repetition. As children learn that marks and letters represent or stand for something, they are developing an understanding of what Clay calls the sign conceptâ€â€which is of central importance in learning to write and read. Robert Gundlach (1982) has argued that beginning writers need to master the functions, uses and purposes of writing; the forms and features of written language; and the processes of writing. Children must learn what writing can do, and, in particular, what they can do with writing. Early literacy development is closely tied to the specifics of young childrens relationships and activities. To these relationships and activities, children bring their curiosity, their interest in communicating and interacting with others, and their inclination to be a part of family and community life. They also bring their desire to use and control materials and tools that they perceive as important to the people around themâ€â€their urge to do it myself. And they bring their willingness to seek help from more proficient writers and readers. When they interact with more competent writers and readers, children serve as spontaneous apprentices (in George Millers phrase), learning about written language and how to use and control it for a range of purposes. What is the relationship between early experiences with literacy and later, long-term literacy development? There are as yet no definitive answers to this question, but as in other aspects of psychological development, we assume that there is a relationship between early literacy experience and later mature literacy. How this relationship unfolds for a particular child will depend on several factors which interact with one another in complex ways. These include the childs interests, temperament and personality, opportunities at home and in the neighbourhood for writing and reading, as well as the nature and quality of the instruction the child encounters in school. Even children who do not narrate their play are enacting a narrative with their gestures. It has been shown that children engage in this kind of symbolic play more and in richer ways when they do it with a facilitating adult, usually a parent or caregiver. A typical interaction consists of a young child moving a toy around, guiding the toy or toys through a sequence of actions. Often it is the adult who provides the language that highlights the narrative form embedded within the childs play gestures The Emergence of Story Telling During the First Three YearsBy Susan Engel Bennington College,Bennington, VermontZero to Three Journal, December 1996/January 1997.
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