Friday, October 18, 2019

Criminalology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminalology - Essay Example Institutional violence is a chaotic incidence that results in physical or mental injuries. In this case, the violence culminates into suffering, loss and body harm. There are five main types of institutional violence. Intrapersonal violence occurs when a person decides to harm himself /herself. In this case, the occurrence is referred to as suicide or self mutilation. People commit suicide through poisoning, hanging or drowning among other forms of suicide. Interpersonal violence takes place between two persons. In this case, a person causes body harm to another one in cases such as rape, sexual assault and psychological attach among others. Gang violence is usually perpetrated by a group of organized criminals or a gang. In this case, the gang organizes attack on a person or a group of persons. The gang is usually formally organized or loosely attached to each other to commit a crime. Organized attack is perpetrated by a group of well organized attackers to the prison staff. Lastly, institutional violence is the attack done by the prison staff to the offender. In this case, the prisoners are sexually, emotionally and sexually attacked by the prison wardens. The rehabilitation program must have clear and concise objectives. In this case, objectives to be achieved must be clearly stipulated and communicated to both the facilitator and the prisoners. At the beginning of the rehabilitation classes, the facilitator should take sufficient time to explain to the prisoners the specific steps that they need to have achieved by the end of a specified period. In this case, the goals need to be reasonably figural to help the learner realize how much they have achieved and how much is yet to be done. In addition, these goals require to be based on clear theories or concepts. As such, the goals must be drawn for extensive research conducted by reputable

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