Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sociological Inquiry Asignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sociological Inquiry Asignment 1 - Essay Example There are many details of the problem which are rather unknown to general public: donors or wealthy sponsors themselves decide important questions related to school budgeting, types of testing, number of school’s personnel, etc. 3. The author of the article is religion reporter for The New York Times newspaper. He works for this newspaper not for so long since 2008. Vitello covers predominantly religion news from local perspective, New York City. Earlier the reporter used to work for such newspapers as Long Island’s Newsday, Kansas City Star, Knickerbocker News and some others. Paul Vitello has veteran experience as a reporter. He has written numerous articles on religious issues, for instance, â€Å"Clergy Urge Efforts to Lower the City’s Abortion Rate†, â€Å"Hepatitis Scare Hits Nassau Church after Wafers’ Exposure at Christmas Masses†, â€Å"N.Y. Parochial Schools Downcast After Archdiocesan Warning†, â€Å"Bitterness Follows End of a School† to name a few among many others. I believe that the author has enough experience and appropriate qualification to write about issues related to religion (church) and education like in the article under the analysis in this paper. 4. Vitello’s article presents a clear analysis of the issue. However, the author covers only schools and churches of New York City and nearby area.

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